Neck Pain
Mechanical pain or nerve impingement, whiplash (WAD), cervico-genic head aches, postural issues, concussion.
Mid and Low Back Pain
Mechanical pain, nerve impingment, disc protrusion/ prolapsed, facet joint dysfunctions, spondylopathies, sciatica.
Shoulder Pain/Injuries
Rotator Cuff dysfunction, tears, impingement syndromes, tendonpathies, scapular dysfunction, post- op repairs, dislocations
Hip/Pelvic Pain
Bursitis, gluteal strain/ dysfunction, osteitis pubis, groin strain, lumbo-pelvic dysfunction, piriformis syndrome, pseudo-sciatica.
Knee Pain/Injuries
ACL/PCL/ MCL ligament sprains and meniscal tears, joint arthritis, tendonopathies, Osgood’s Schlatter’s , ITB syndrome, patellar femoral pain, hamstring / quad strains.
Ankle and Foot Pain/Injuries
Achilles tendonopathies, posterior tibialis dysfunction, shins splints, ankle ligament sprains, plantar faciaitis, pes cavus/ planus, metatarsalgia, bunions
Other Sports Injuries
Calf, hamstring and quadriceps tears and myofacial dysfunction.
Tendonopathies, repetitive strain, tennis elbow/ golfer’s elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome
Post Surgical Rehabilitation
Specialists in all surgical protocols for the foot, ankle, knee, hip and spine, shoulder and upper limb