Expert and experienced analysis of positioning and technique with video and correction exercises as required.  Outdoor and indoor assessment site options are available.

What is Biomechanics?

Biomechanics is the science used to identify and compensate for irregularities in the skeleton. If your skeleton is misaligned, for whatever reason, then it is unlikely that the structure will be able to support itself as intended. Uneven and rapid wearing can take place throughout the body similar to the uneven and rapid wearing away of tyres on a car whose wheel alignment is faulty. Both are caused by poor functional position. Both are progressive and both are halted by re-establishing good functional alignment.

Biomechanical Gait Assessments at Maple Motion

Biomechanical assessment is a broad term for the analysis of the movement of any part of the body during an action.  At Maple Motion chartered physiotherapy with our experience as clinicians we start by breaking down the specific phases of the running  gait, and then put it all together sometimes aided by video analysis with computer software.

Assessments for Runners 

Evaluation of an injured runner includes the identification of intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors, in addition to establishing an injury-specific diagnosis. We take a thorough history in an attempt to identify changes in the training regimen or technique that might have contributed to injury.

The physical examination includes a bio-mechanical screening to identify related imbalances in posture, alignment, strength and/or flexibility. Additionally, each runner is observed walking and running, as running is a dynamic activity. Subtle abnormalities not evident on static or open-chain examination may become evident on dynamic evaluation. This comprehensive, running-specific approach to diagnosis will assist the clinician in developing optimum rehabilitation programs.

The injured runner is one of the most challenging athletes the sports medicine physician will encounter. A comprehensive history and biomechanical examination can assist the practitioner in diagnosing and managing running injuries successfully. The extra time and effort given to the initial evaluation provides the runner with best opportunity to return to running and remain injury-free.